Number of Visitors  

Name: Surjit Singh Brar
Organization: Toronto Lions Field Hockey Club
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: Undecided
May we contact you: Yes
What happened in the Jawaharlal Nehru tournament is a shame on Indian hockey, and also the Punjabi players. The players involved in such bad behavior should be be charge as criminals, besides being banned from hockey for life.

Mr. K. P. S. Gill should resign from the the IHF. Instead of promoting hockey in the country, it looks like the IHF is promoting violence. We Indian hockey fans living abroad wish that the press can do something to clean up this mess.

Name: Satyajit Das
Organization: Tata Consultancy Services
How can you help: Monetarily
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google

Name: Madhusheel Arora
Organization: Asian College of Journalism
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google

Name: Sameer
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
The Indian players were totally exposed in the 2005 Champions' trophy. Thank God India got relegated from next year's tournament - the quality of the competition will improve.

One of the basic skills of the midfield and forwards is to trap clean a long hit while on the move, and control the ball. Our players do not have these basic skills. I think Prabodh Tirkey is the only Indian defender besides Dileep Tirkey who actually tries to play the ball out of the defence instead of scooping it to the opposition's feet.

I saw Pakistan play in the tournament, and was glad to notice the way their team maneouvred the ball around. Our players are only interested in solo attention-grabbing sorties into the 25-yard circle.

One thing which should never be tolerated in the team is indiscipline, both on and off the pitch. Players like Prabhjyot are a nuisance, and harm team morale. If Prabhjyot has guts, let him use his stick to score goals rather than showing off his filmi machismo. Unfortunately, an Indian coach can enforce discipline on our players. We need a foreigner like Greg Chappell who can give the boys a good caning on the backside if need be.

For every game we lost, captain Gagan Ajeet kept saying we were unlucky in the game. Tell me Mr. Gagan, can you confidently say that India can beat teams like South Korea, Argentina, England or even New Zealand consistently. Surely not. I do not understand how we are rated sixth in the world.

How much longer should the Indian hockey fan put up with this? If only our government had the common sense to step in and save the national game from the depths of utter disgrace it lies in now. Why does the media only blame the administrators? Shame on the hockey players themselves.

Anyway, the Indian hockey players have plenty of opportunities to make all of us fans unhappy in 2006 - Commonwealth Games (Feb/Mar), World Cup (Sep) and Asian Games (Dec). Keep up the horrible show, you guys!

Name: Mahesh
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google

Name: Brian Pereira
Organization: Goa Customs
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
I think your website should at least give the profiles of the current Indian team, and also of the players who have been in and out of the Indian team for the past 2 - 3 years. I know of many Indian hockey players, but if you ask me how goalkeeper Adrian D'Souza or the current goalkeeper looks, I would not be able to tell for sure. So would be the case with Dileep Tirkey or Gagan Ajit Singh. Listing their profiles will help in identifying some players. Most Indians only recognise Dhanraj Pillai as a hockey player because of his long hair and distinctive looks. Thanks.

Name: D. S. Basra
Organization: Fit Hockey Club, Amsterdam
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes

Name: S. D. Suresh
Organization: -
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Indian Portal
I am a hockey player, and I am presently working as a Physical Education and Training teacher. My best wishes are always with the Indian hockey team.

Name: Amit Nimal
Organization: -
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: I'll explain below...
I was looking at the 1936 Berlin Olympics page (Babu Nimal).

Name: Shakil Ahmed
Organization: -
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I would like to become a hockey referee. I know the rules and regulations of the game, the dimensions of the hockey field, etc. If anybody can help me in my attempt to become a referee, I would welcome it. I am a B.E. graduate.

Name: Albert
Organization: -
How can you help: Monetarily
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
It would be nice to have a site giving updates of Indian hockey for a wider audience, which includes the people not staying in India, and in places where the sport is not popular or available. Therefore, I feel the site should have the latest updates of hockey not only inside the country, but also around the world.

Name: Manisankar
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I am deeply disappointed by the declining status of Indian hockey. I hope that this team will perform above expectations in the coming World Cup.

Name: Maj. Gen. S. S. Sharma
Organization: Retired service officer
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I am a supporter and a fan of Indian hockey, which is always a pleasure to watch. Unfortunately, the game is not receiving enough attention in India. It is only surviving because of the natural talent our boys and girls have to play this game. The IHF needs to introduce scientific coaching and grooming of the players, in which case Indian hockey can have a bright future.

Name: Dianne
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
Hi, I was wondering if you could email me Viren Rasquinha's email address. I have been watching him in the PHL, and am quite impressed by his performance.

Name: Rocky Jaiswal
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Other: I'll explain below
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
After leaving Indian shores for a while, I have realised how we are letting other sports languish while cricket is glamourised. Hockey has been our great sport and it is good that we have our own professional league.

This site can be improved with content about weekly fixtures and results, table positions and star player profiles. It's a great effort still. Keep it up.

Name: Gautam Sinha
Organization: -
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Indian Portal
We need to do more for this sport and revive our Olympic glory. Like minded folks should get together and brainstorm on how to mobilise resources and opinions to improve Indian hockey.

Name: Arabinda Mitra
Organization: Police
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Yahoo
I am locally involved in the promotion of hockey in my area.

Name: Talme
Organization: -
How can you help: N/A
Willing to Support: N/A
May we contact you: No
Reference: Google
Indians play great hockey. I am from Europe. Nice page. I like reading it. Keep it up!

Name: Vijay Pandian
Organization: -
How can you help: N/A
Willing to Support: Undecided
May we contact you: N/A
I love the game of hockey.

Name: Devashish Bose
Organization: Dainik Bhaskar (Chandigarh)
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I was one of the spectators at the Indo-Pak hockey test match at Chandigarh. I would like to help Indian hockey as a journalist and sports lover. I wish Indian hockey gets back to its golden period again.

Name: Devinder Basra
Home Page:
Organization: Fit Hockey Club, Amsterdam
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
If I was in the IHF's Selection Committee, I would like to select 2 very important players for 2 very important positions:

1. Mr. K. P. S. Gill for the best defender/schemer, even better than the great Ajitpal Singh, because he is capable of defending himself on any question asked about Indian hockey. Mr. Gill is always the best and Mr. Gill is alway right.

2. For the second position, I would select the best available forward as Mr. Adam Sinclair. It does not matter if he does not score or does not touch the ball whenever he is fielded. As long as Mr. Jyotikumaran is IHF's general secretary, Adam Sinclair is the only player to watch in the Indian hockey team.

I would like to to congralute the IHF's selection committee for their wonderful team selection, i.e., obeying whatever Mr. Gill ordered them to do.

Indian hockey is sorely missing the services of Deepak Thakur. Every Indian hockey lover from all over the world wants him in the Indian team. But Gill hai jo maanta naheen.

But still being a true lover of the game, I wish India, the Indian hockey team and fans from all over the world the very best of luck. Jai Hind.

Name: Philippe Toppo
Organization: Architect
How can you help: N/A
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Yahoo

Name: Abhishek Tanwar
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google

Name: Mark Kogan
Home Page:
Organization: -
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Indian Portal
I am a supporter and a fan of Indian hockey, which is always a pleasure to watch. Unfortunately, the game is not receiving enough attention in India.

Name: Rory Hendricks
Organization: -
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Word of Mouth
When is India's sports minister ever going to do something about K. P. S. Gill? After 12 years in office, it is apparent that Gill is an egoistical, self-centred maniac who should not be in the position he is in. God! what a mess he has done to Indian hockey!

If this was done in Australia, Gill, you would have no gills left. How can you condone your mates who act like goondas? Is this ethical? Do you have no conscience? K. P. S. Gill is the "Idi Amin of Indian Hockey"!

Name: Sahiba Grewal
Organization: -
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
Hi Gagan, love u lots, contact me

Name: Muskaan Saini
Organization: -
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
Hi Jugraj, how are you, love u lots, you know me, miss you in the Indian team

Name: Kulwant Singh Kullar
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Undecided
Reference: Google
Thank you very much for putting my father's birthdate information on your site (Gurdev Singh). I will also send the birthdate information of Mr. Darshan Singh, who is settled in the United Kingdom.

Name: John Patel
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Indian hockey is missing the services of Len Ayyappa. I understand it is not an easy job for the IHF selection committee, but they have done a wonderful Indian team selection for the Melbourne Commonwealth Games 2006.

I am not confident about India's ability to convert penalty coners. In the 5th Indo-Pak test in Pakistan, the Indian forwards earned 9 penalty coners, but we converted only one. Only relying on Sandeep Singh and Kanwalpreet Singh will not make us a hockey super power.

I wish India, the Indian hockey team, its fans from all over the world, and my favourite player, Mr. Ignace Tirkey, all the best. Wish India gets back to its golden record in the Commonwealth Games and the World Cup in 2006. Jai Hind.

Name: Dhruv Mehta
How can you help: N/A
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: No
Reference: Google
I am a newcomer to hockey. Which stick should I should start with?

Name: SCPorto
Home Page:
Organization: Sport Club do Porto, Portugal
How can you help: N/A
Willing to Support: No
May we contact you: No
Reference: Google

Name: Bruce Hunter
Organization: -
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
I saw this on eBay and thought you might be interested. It is a rare, vintage1956 Olympics Indian hockey stick, with autographs. The (expired) link is at

Name: Rory Hendricks
Organization: -
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: Google
On reading the news in your January 2006 bulletin re: Ric Charlesworth, it is obvious why Ric wasn't selected to coach the Indian team. He is no pushover, like the other puppets we have had. Ric would've told Gill to go take a hike if he had interfered with his coaching.

The Indian community should stand up and not take this shit from these bullshit artists. The whole sports system gets screwed up because politicians interfere and then the game does not become a sporting event at all.

Incidentally has there been any outcome from the violent incidents that took place at the Jawaharlal Nehru Tournament that was held in Delhi in Jan 2006. Another cover up by Gill to save his goondas I presume? Pathetic display, Gill. What dirt do you have on the sports minister that you are able to hang on so long?

Name: Abdul Hayi Mansoor
Home Page:
Organization: -
How can you help: N/A
Willing to Support: No
May we contact you: N/A
Reference: Google
You are welcome to join a Yahoo field hockey user group 'Aur Yeh Goal.' This is an international user group dedicated to the great game of hockey. It has members from all over the world, especially from India and Pakistan. You will enjoy some informative links, great files, interesting polls and some nice pictures.

The URL to join the user group is

Name: Megha
Organization: United States Sports Academy, Alabama
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I am a sports medicine student. I am very upset to see the condition of Indian hockey. This is our national game, but people are crazy about cricket. I love hockey and support it . If you can provide me with some articles listing the reasons for the declining popularity of this sport, I will write a research paper and submit it to my university.

Name: Jagdishkumar I. Patel
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
Today Indian hockey has a name because of the natural talent of our girls. I would like to to congratulate the girls for their 1-0 win over New Zealand in the Commonwealth Games semi-finals, and to coach M. K. Kaushik for building a good team spirit. I would like to see India become one of the world's top teams in women's hockey. Good luck to the Indian and to Kaushik in the final against Australia.

Hockey is our national game, but on television, people talk about cricket all day. I have been living in Canada since 1976. After the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, hockey has always been in my heart. I have seen the last four Olympics. I pray for the Indian team always. Jai Hind.

Name: Sumon Paul
Organization: Business
How can you help: Monetarily
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
I am a great fan of Mamta Kharab, the golden girl of the Indian team. I like her skill in dribbling the ball, and her ability to score goals during critical situations. I want to get Mamta's photographs at the 2006 Commonwealth Games. I like her very much.

Name: Madhav
Organization: VK Infotek
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: No
Reference: Google
I watch the hockey matches on TV.

Name: Jagdishkumar I. Patel
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Yahoo
I would like to congratulate Mr. Bhaskaran, assistant coach and goalkeeping coach. I am a big fan of Indian hockey. Whenever India plays, if I am not there at the match, I stay glued to the the live commentary on the internet. I get so involved that I forget to take my bath or have my meals.

I give my best wishes to the Indian team for the 4-nation tournament in Germany in April 2006. I would like to know the schedule as I will be at the tournament. This will be my first visit to Germany.

I know the tournament will be held in Monchengladbach, but i would like to know in which stadium it will be held. I am only going to stay for three days, so i would appreciate your help. You can email at I hope to hear from you soon. Have a great day.

Name: Nawaz Rana
Organization: Agriculture Scientist
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Yahoo
My name is Nawaz Rana. I am the younger brother of Shahbaz Jr. (ex Olympian) from Pakistan, who is currently playing in Italy for a hockey club. I am an agricultural scientist in Pakistan.

Nice to see this website. It is very informative for field hockey fans, and a good source of communication for the Indian hockey fans. I am trying to visit India soon, as India is my ancestral place. I have been wishing to see this place for a long time. I need some nice hockey fan to welcome me to stay for 2-3 days. My cell number is 00923007941678.

Name: Mike Carman
Organization: -
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Other, I'll explain below
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
Prior to Partition in 1947, my father, Leon Carman, was presented with the Most Outstanding Player trophy in several All India hockey tournaments, by the great Dhyan Chand. I have not seen nor heard or read Leon's name mentioned in any Indian archival history of hockey. I wonder if there are any newspaper cuttings, photographs or any other mentions of him. I would appreciate if you could follow this up for me, and forward to me any information you may find or receive in the process.

At the time of his involvement with hockey, Leon was with the Indian army, and represented the Workshop, based in Rawalpindi and Lahore. After partition, he opted for Pakistan as his wife and family were in Lahore. I have heard from several reputable sources that because of his outstanding play, he should have been an automatic selection for the Pakistan Olympic hockey team. Leon was a key player and striker in Pakistan, alongside the likes of Niaz Khan, Shah Rukh, A. Hameed, H. K. Burki and Masood Ahmad.

My father was a very close friend of the great Pakistani cricketer Fazal Mahmood, who visited our family often and remained a close friend for years. Fazal said on many ocassions that my father Leon Carman should have played for both India and Pakistan.

Growing up in Pakistan, my brother Gerry and I played sports at the state and province level through school and college. In fact, my brother, who captained in both cricket and hockey for Burn Hall in Abbotabad, Pakistan, in the mid 60s, should have represented Pakistan in both sports had it not been for politics in sport at
that time.

Since the late 60s, we settled in Australia, and have quietly contributed to various sports here, and in Melbourne in particular. Suffice to say that I was a member of the Australian Sky Diving Team in 1974-75. I came second at the World Sky Diving Championship in 1975.

My brother and I, and our sons have been active participants in both hockey and cricket here. Now our sons have taken over the mantle, and are playing cricket at a very competitive level (sub-district level). My son David has been selected to tour Sri Lanka with a joint u-20 and u-17 cricket team (these tours commenced annually 4 years ago).

I am currently in the process of trying to include Pakistan also on the trip in April 2007. Should any members of your organisation/association have appropriate contacts for such an arrangement to include India too, kindly forward any information to me at the above email address, or write to me at:

Mike Carman
17 A, Ferndale Road
Upper Ferntree Gully
Melbourne, Victoria
Australia 3156
Mobile: (03)0407 202 918

I look forward to your reply. Thank you.

Name: Colin Jacob
Organization: Sensient Technologies
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
With the appointment of our new coach Bhaskaran, and the recently named squad that lost the series to Pakistan, Indian hockey will continue to remain in the doldrums.

Something drastic has to be done like a new, foreign coach, preferably from Australia. We don't need to get a coach with a high flying reputation. Just a coach from say Melbourne or Sydney who will change Indian hockey's outlook and style.

Just like how Greg Chappell has made changes to the Indian cricket team, let this new coach go ahead and make the necessary overhaul to bring India back to the top of its national sport. Jai Hind.

Name: K. Ramachandran
Organization: Syntel, Chennai
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I would like to support Indian hockey by informing all my ignorant, cricket-crazed-doped-out-Indian pals, and also American acquaintances about our glorious, unrivalled golden record in hockey, which will stand for ever. I have a photograph of our 1936 divine angels, including Dhyan Chand, in my cube, which I explain to my Indian as well as American acquaintances.

After I meet some commitments and short-term-goals, I would like to start helping with time, effort and money. I would like the magic game played in the 70's by Zafar-Merwyn-Ashok-Jalal-Govinda-Prabhakaran-Inam to be somehow revived, by a special coaching program conducted by these super players, so that their magical style can be captured on today's television and video recording devices.

Name: Shailendra
Organization: Ezee Solution
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: No
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I hope every player play as team, and not individualistic. Best of luck to the Indian team.

Name: Dhananjay Patel
Home Page:
Organization: Shanti Chemical Works, Belgaum
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google

Name: R. J. R
Organization: Greenwich Field Hockey
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: No
Reference: Word of Mouth
Maybe if the press started to talk a bit about hockey instead of cricket, and if television started to broadcast it more, hockey may become more popular. We need a Jagmohan Dalmiya (a cleaner version though) to promote hockey in India.

Name: Ario Satrio Prakoso
Organization: Avante Sportindo - International Player Agent
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Yahoo
To Indian Hockey Players - The Indonesian Hockey Association has started a new Pro Hockey League.

If any player is interested to play here in Indonesia, please send your detailed resume to I will await your response.

Ario Satrio Prakoso
Avante Sportindo, Indonesia

Name: Jagdishkumar I. Patel (John Patel)
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Under new coach Bhaskaran, now we are confident of at least bagging 3rd place in Malaysia. We do not have a broad base with many good players. After the Junior World Cup, the coach added new good players like left forward Tushar Khandekar and midfielder Prabodh Tirkey. We also need Nitin Kumar, V. S. Vinay, Hari Prasad. They played the Junior World Cup exceptionally well, and I hope they keep playing to their potential in the future.

I was present at the recent 4-nation tournament in Germany. We are still weak in right midfield and defence. We give too much space for the opponents to score easily. Our defence also gives away too many penalty corners, and lose games in the last minute all the time. We should not mis-pass like before.

I would also like to stress upon team spirit. The players must remember that they are playing for the country. Coaches can only guide, but it is for the players, and players alone, to deliver the goods. Why blame Gill when he is not playing on the field.

We have to win like the 1966 Bangkok Asian Games, when India did not concede a single goal in the entire tournament. May the golden time come soon for Indian hockey.

Name: Jagdishkumar I. Patel (John Patel)
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: Yahoo
We should be confident of making it to the semi-finals of the 2006 Azlan Shah tournament. I feel that Dhanraj Pillai still is the best Indian hockey player.

In last month's 4-nation tournament in Germany (for which I was present), the Indian side could not turn significant advantageous positions in the first two game into victories. The Indians should learn how to sustain their efforts, to stay in the hunt and keep the pressure on the opposing team.

India has to learn how to win serious challenges from top teams, and to be able to enjoy the winning feeling for more than just a day or two. Jai Hind.

Name: Cyril Anthony D'Souza
Organization: Ghanem Al Thani Holdings, Post Box No 5319, Qatar
How can you help: Monetarily
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Yahoo
I love hockey and have been playing hockey at Doha, Qatar. I would like to see Indian hockey revived once again. We lack only in speed and physical fitness; otherwise our hockey skills are marvellous.

We should not adopt European style of play; we can let our forwards dribble. However, we have to improve our speed, our finishing at the goal and our physical fitness. For this we need to groom youngsters because from aged players you cannot get 100% effort on the field. In particular, our half line has to be 100% fit.

Name: Suresh Dixit
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes

Name: Jagdishkumar Patel (John Patel)
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
We don't need any foreign coaches, look at what happened to Pakistan when they hired the Dutch coach Roelant Oltmans. They didn't win any tournament. In contrast, look at what the Indian juniors achieved in Poland. They scored 32 goals and let only 4 goals into their net. This was because of their coach, Mr. Muhammad Riaza.

We do have good techniques but for some of the top teams India plays against, we need to cover man-to-man, so that there isn't that much space for their forwards to move. If we give too much space to top teams, then we are history. For example, see the game between Pakistan and Spain during the 2004 Olympics. You can see that Spain didn't give Pakistan even a single penalty corner.

Congrats to the Indian junior hockey team. Wish you all the best for the future.

Name: Ahatisham Ikram
Organization: Sialkot Sports
How can you help: Monetarily
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Yahoo
I am a field hockey manufacturer in Sialkot, Pakistan. I always try to promote field hockey all over the world with the resources that I have. If you need any information or any sponsorship, please write to me, I will do my best to serve you. Regards,

Ahatisham Ikram
Sialkot Sports,
Capital Road, Sialkot, Pakistan.
Tel: 0092 52 3555863 / 3240073
Mobile: 0092 300 615 7422

Name: Jagdishkumar Patel (John Patel)
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
I would like to congratulate Mr. V. Bhaskaran, the assistant coach, the goalkeeping coach, Mr. Dileep Tirkey and all the players for their 3rd place finish in the Azlan Shah tournament. I am a big fan of Indian hockey. Whenever India plays, I stay glued to the live commentary on the internet. Today I woke up at 3.00 am Canadian time to follow the game.

Now we have confidence for the World Cup in September 2006. However, we need to rethink our 3-forward strategy. We lost 0-1 to Holland because of this - how can we score a goal with only 3 forwards? Thanks again, all the players. Jai Hind.

Name: Joel Rajkumar
Organization: Sitel
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: I'll explain below...
Hi, I play and follow hockey regularly, would like to spend more time and dedication if given a chance towards improving the standards of our national game.

Name: Anil Verma
Organization: Madhya Pradesh Women's Hockey Association
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
I am a judge by profession. I am also a sports writer and hockey and cricket statistician. Over the past 22 years, 2 books and 985 of my articles on various sports have been published. I am the Vice President of the Madhya Pradesh Women's Hockey Association, and was an Organising Commitee member for the Afro-Asian Games that were held in Hyderabad in 2003.

I will be happy to get rare hockey photographs, old paper cuttings and statistics. My address is given below:

Anil Verma
Additional District Judge
E-2, Civil Lines
Balaghat (Madhya Pradesh), India

Name: Mohammad Inthikab Alam
Organization: Chief Hockey Coach, Aligarh Muslim University
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I was happy to go through your website. Nice to see that our country is doing well in hockey. I can also help out with coaching if required, my address is given below:

M. I. Alam
Hockey Coach
Aligarh Muslim University
Aligarh 202002 Uttar Pradesh
Phone Number: +919411413089

Name: Rajinder
Organization: Indian Gymkhana Hockey Club
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google

Name: Asif
Organization: -
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Undecided
May we contact you: Undecided
Reference: Google
I am interested in coming to India to play hockey. Currently I play in the National League in England, and have represented my county at the u-21 level and at the senior level. I have also represented the East of England at the u-21 level.

Can you please provide me with some names and email addressses that I can contact in order for me to arrange this? Many thanks.

Name: Kyle Fernandis
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
It's good to see Indian hockey having its own website and some one taking the initiative. Keep it up

Name: Ramadoss
Organization: G. K. Motors Hockey Club
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
All the best to Indian hockey.

Name: Bharat Nerkar
Organization: Addit Services, Prarthna Samaj, Mumbai
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Indian Portal
My best wishes to the Indian hockey players and administrators for improvement and success of Indian hockey.

Name: Harvinder
Organization: Vijay Club
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
How can I obtain DVDs of India's latest matches? Please guide me on how to get them.

Name: Jagdishkumar Patel (John Patel)
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: Google
All the best to Mr. K. P. S. Gill, Mr. K. Jyothikumaran and all 18 members of the Indian hockey team for next month's World Cup in Germany. I am very happy that this time the focus is on the junior talent. Come on India, go India, win like you did in 1975. Jai Hind.

Name: Akhilesh Solanki
Organization: National Sports Times
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: -
Reference: -

Name: Parmeshar Singh
Organization: Punjabi Tribune
How can you help: N/A
Willing to Support: N/A
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
This website on Indian hockey is very attractive and useful for hockey lovers.

Name: Jagdishkumar Patel (John Patel)
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
When I heard the news about the accidental injury to Sandeep Singh, I felt like the sky had fallen down on Indian hockey. I hope the IHF selects Raghunath as the replacement for Sandeep Singh as Raghunath has been scoring in domestic matches and in the South Asian Federation Games. Whoever is selected as the replacement should not give the forwards space to move. Cover them man-to-man and avoid giving the opponents penalty corners.

In this year's Azlan Shah tournament semi-finals, we lost 0-1 to Netherlands because we used a 3-forward strategy. How can India score goals with only 3 forwards? Come on India, win like 1975! Jai Hind.

Name: Ulaganathan
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google

Name: Venkatesan Devarajan
Organization: Devarajan Boxing Academy
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Undecided
Reference: Google
I am an Indian sportsman. It is shameful that despite hockey being India's national game, we have not been able to win an Olympic or World Cup medal in the last so many editions. The reason we do not have successes in team games is that we do not have unity in our team and in our own country.

South Indian players will try to avoid North Indian players, North Indian coaches will try to avoid South Indian players, it in is our blood.

Name: Nimit Nijhawan
Organization: Scientific Pvt. Ltd.
How can you help: N/A
Willing to Support: Undecided
May we contact you: Undecided
Reference: Google
I am so disappointed with the way India has played in the World Cup. It is a shame that in a country where hockey is the national game, we cannot produce 16 players of international standards. Also, the current players do not have that die hard passion as compared to other teams like Pakistan or Argentina. This showing in the present World Cup is a shame for Indian hockey, and for all Indians.

Name: Jamaluddin
Organization: School
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: Undecided
May we contact you: No
Reference: Google

Name: Vijay Prakaash
Organization: Vijay Prakaash Films
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Indian Portal
Thanks for putting up detailed player information. I was looking for information on women hockey players from Jharkhand.

For the promotion of hockey and the contributions made by different players from Jharkhand, I am planning a full-length commercial movie to be shot fully in Jharkhand. For the same, I am gathering information.

Kindly send me details and contact addresses of Indian Women's Hockey Federation, and the players from Jharkhand. I would also like to know the office bearers of IWHF, to contact them to collaborate on the project.

With warm regards,

Vijay Prakaash, New Delhi
M: 9350290550

Name: Motyl
Organization: Mottespor - Sport history
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: -
Reference: Google
I could not find any Champions Trophy archives on your site.

Name: Surinder Virdi
Organization: -
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Other: I'll explain below
May we contact you: Undecided
Reference: Google
Hundreds of Indian hockey fans from London travelled to Germany to support their heroes. After spending a lot on this trip, all we got was absolutely ZERO performance from the Indian team. Being a hockey player for almost 30 years, this is one of my most embarrassing moments.

The Indians need to learn basic hockey - stopping and passing the ball. Indian hockey needs to be redesigned from the Stone Age. I strongly believe that this pathetic performance at the World Cup is due to the Indian hockey management, not the players. I have seen hundreds of talented Indian players over the years, but zero results.

Is there still hope left for Indian hockey?

Name: Malvinder Singh
Organization: Computer Applications
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
Hockey is India's national game. We love the sport and respect it, but our government doesn't care.

Name: Chetan Sushil Joshi
Organization: ONGC, Ankleshwar
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Undecided
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google

Name: Devesh Thakur
Organization: Lokmat Samachar
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes

Name: Carmo D'Cruz
Organization: Florida Institute of Technology
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
I am conducting research on using Systems Engineering Principles to help India win the hockey gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the World Cup in 2010.

Name: Sahil
Organization: Student
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Word of Mouth
I'm afraid of the future of Indian hockey. Bhaskaran has started the song of long tenure - till the World Cup, he was singing about podium finish, now after the World Cup he starts talking of short tenure. Well, he enjoyed a long tenure before the 2000 Sydney Olympics, along with the same deputy, Harendra Singh, yet we finished in the 7th place. I heard that both of them have lost their faith and reputation with the Indian hockey team players.

Name: Sahil
Organization: Student
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
Your October bulletin states that there are 1 million hockey players in India. 1 million is a very very big number; per my calculation, there are not more than 5000 people playing hockey in India.

It's very simple calculation - in the Sr. National Hockey Championship, 45 teams are participating. At 18 players per team, that's a total of 810 players. In fact, even geting 18 players is difficult for the teams now a days. To the above number, you can add a maximum of 2000 players. To give the benefit of doubt, I have given you the number of 5000 active hockey players in India.

The reality is that kids in India have stopped playing hockey. Even in Mumbai, you won't find even a single local boy playing hockey. I'm sorry, but this is a bitter truth.

Name: Ankit Gupta
Organization: -
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I wish Indian hockey regains its lost glory.

Name: Gurpreet Singh
Organization: Globelink
How can you help: Monetarily
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I love hockey. Indian players must produce good results to keep hockey alive.

Name: Rishi
Organization: NIT Rourkela
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
I love Indian hockey.

Name: Bhanutej N.
Organization: The Week
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
As a journalist covering the 15th Asian Games at Doha in December, I will be following the fortunes of the Indian hockey team up close. My contribution as a journalist will be through my articles.

Name: Waseem Abbasi
Organization: S1 News Channel
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: NewsGroups
I wanted to keep in touch with upcoming events and media news in Indian hockey.

Name: Sahil
Organization: Student
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Yahoo
Last week a big hue and cry was raised in the media due to the Indian cricket team's defeat to South Africa. But to my surprise, there was not even a single comment on the latest dirty development in Indian Hockey.

Before the World Cup, when Sandeep Singh got injured, it was stated that the team's plans were shattered (as per the assistant coach's statement in Delhi). But now when the IHF drops a player at the last minute (Viren Rasquinha), what has happened to the IHF's plans? Do they really exist? As per my thinking, it is only a game being played by coaches.

Name: Jagdishkumar Patel (John Patel)
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
The selectors have no blood in their hands - it is okay if Viren Rasquinha is dropped from the team. Dhanraj Pillai is also experienced and still wants to comeback to the national team at the age of 38 years. It is time to give younger players a chance.

I am pleasantly surprised to see Harpal Singh back in the team. I was also impressed with Prabodh Tirkey's game in Germany.

Name: T. M. Chavan
Organization: Kohinoor Printers
How can you help: Monetarily
Willing to Support: Undecided
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: -

Name: Raju Venkateswaran
Organization: Green Country Sports Academy
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: -
I trained more than 100 hockey players for a month's duration in Green Country Public School, Bellary Road, Kodigehalli, Bangalore. Who says cricket is killing other games in India - we ex-players should go to schools and start hockey coaching for the tiny tots. Bye, and all the best Dhan.

Name: Milind J. Bowlekar
Organization: IPCL
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: -
To revive Indian hockey, more than anything, all our energies should be concentrated in producing more astroturfs. Aim for a target of at least 100 astroturfs spread across the nation.

Name: Sugnick Mitra
Organization: Raiganj Central Cooperative Bank Ltd.
How can you help: Time and effort
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: -
I would advice our Sports Ministry to do something for our national sport. Change the complete setup of the current administration, and bring in good people to save our great sport.

Name: D. Arora
Organization: -
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: -
I played hockey when I was in India in school and college. Now I am in the managemnet field and am settled in USA. I have ideas on how to use management skills that are required for the sport.

Name: Vineet
Organization: Gera Engineers, UK
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Good effort.

Name: Jagdishkumar Patel (John Patel)
Organization: Hotel Taj Club
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
Why is there a protest about India's hockey team from these protestors who are no longer playing the game? It is the players who have to score, not the stupid protestors.

They're just making it worse for the Indian team by making the players lose their confidence! When the Indian team is playing, how many of these protestors watch India play?

I saw four Olympic Games, two Olympic Qualifiers, one Asian Games, one Champions Trophy and one World Cup, there were very few supporters for the Indian hockey team.

I was in New Delhi, in the Major Dhyan Chand Stadium, and there were not even 200 people in the stadium; this is what you call the National Game.

In the last World Cup, when we lost to Argentina, some people started to narra laga at Mr. Gill. Those people are just crazy!

Now these people think we are not going to qualify for the 2008 Olympics. How can they think that way, are they that stupid? For India to qualify in the Olympics, we have to beat Japan, Malaysia and Bangladesh. So, how the hell can they think India will not qualify?

I've already started to save money to go to China and watch the 2008 Olympics. This will be my 5th Olympics, and the fourth Olympics for my daughter.

Whenever India plays, I'm always stuck to the computer, following their every move.

Congratulations to the girls team for qualifying for the Olympics. An advice to the team, do not lose your confidence during the Games. Even if you are losing badly, you should not give up, there is always hope! You can do whatever you can if you believe in yourself.

In the 2002 Asian Games hockey final, we were losing to South Korea 0-3. During the second half, we started to build up and scored 3 goals, but unfortunately lost in the last minute 3-4.

I spoke to the Korean coach during the last Olympic qualifier, and he said that when India scored 3 in a row, he was frightened. This how we should play each and every game, by frightening the opposing team, and doing our best!

Jai Hind

Name: Singh
Email: -
Organization: -
How can you help: -
Willing to Support: -
May we contact you: -
Reference: -
Never read so much crap as the article on too many Singhs. Take a look at Indian sports in general - it is a disgrace and is probably related to lack of protein (meat) and aggression. It is easier to blame a minority rather than examine the system and correct faults.

Name: Raja Babu
Organization: Social
How can you help: Monetarily
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: NewsGroups
Where is hockey in India? It is being killed by these so-called coaches- who are not professional at all. If the present pair of coaches gets sacked, then Bhaskaran will go back to his job and Harinder will go back to his. It is the country or Indian hockey which will be at a loss, not these coaches.

Why can't the federation bring in some professional coaches? Indian hockey is at the bottom because of this practice of appointing honorary coaches.

Name: Aditya Kumar Srivastava
Home Page:
Organization: Swatantra Bharat newspaper
How can you help: Other, I'll explain below
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Reference: Google
Hello, I am a journalist in Lucknow. I found your website through Google. I am trying to locate the logo of the Premier Hocky League.

Name: Jagroop Randhawa
Organization: -
How can you help: Both of above
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Someone please kick Mr. Gill out of Indian Hockey. He is killing the Indian the team.

Name: Rajesh D.
Organization: Airlines
How can you help: Monetarily
Willing to Support: Yes
May we contact you: Yes
Since 1999, our great coaches fold their pants and arm sleeves and proceed to ruin Indian hockey. These coaches are still hungry for more ruin. This sad story starts from the 2000 Sydney Olympics to the 2005 Jr. World Cup to the 2006 Asian Games, and countless tournaments and tours in between.

LAST UPDATED: Thursday, December 28, 2006